مستوحاة من وقائع عملية القدس الغربية التى استشهد منفذها بعد مقتل 8 صهاينة و جرح أكثر من 35 تقبله الله فى جناته و الحقنا به ان شاء الله
Scene 1
His heart has never tasted such a relieving sense of calmness like that before and His mind has never been that clear either. Too tired no doubt about it as he didn't sleep all the past night but he was happy really happy! He would have never wished his last night on earth to be better than that. With confidence filling his steps very smoothly he checked the gun hidden in his clothes making sure it's still there not believing how he went with it that far without being detected just another proof of how foolish they actually are . His heart beats got louder and louder with every step making him closer to his target sure it wasn't fear it was the adrenalin poured within his blood getting him ready for the glamorous combat he is willing to fulfill its requirements.
Scene 2
blood was everywhere mostly his as the bullets of his opponents got increased in number penetrating every exposed part of his body , sure it's more than the first one that arrived to the scene only 10 mins after the start of the shooting . And slowly he started to feel his wounds denoting that his adrenalin is no more the hit player of the game and for the first time he feels the weight of the semi-automatic gun he is holding. Replacing the last piece of his ammo a tender smile got drawn on his face when he felt how close he is now to all those beloved ones he lost on the dirty hands of his foes especially with that beautiful smell he started to sense in the air around him. They are getting around his back in a trial to encircle him he knows but he gave himself a promise along time ago not to leave a single bullet not fired behind his back. So he looked upwards through the window near him to the clear blue sky and whispered a few words that no one ever heard and got up from behind the table he used as his shield to fulfill his promise and seek the reward he always dreamed of....to forever live free in heaven (ISA) .
يقولون كى تمت شهيدا....عش شهيدا
لا تنسى
الدعاء - المقاطعة - التبرع - نشر القضية
you caused my tears to flow
your delineating is so strong
I felt as if I'm seeing the whole scene
I ask ALLAH to let us follow him
you and me
and all muslims
and accept us all
jazakom ALLAH 5airan
thank you so much for these tender words I wish I deserve
جزانا و اياكم و الحقنا به ان شاء الله
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