Like a bird within an opened door cage. Trapped within his fears of the emptiness he will suffer once he leaves his cage. Keeps watching the outside world with desperate eyes seeking something, anything that deserves the easy breaking out but everything in his eyes seems meaningless and vague. Even his golden cage he used to adore no more feels for it but tons of anger for the whole years it stole from him in exchange for a deceiving promise of love protection and care. And the air coming from the opened door of his cage keeps playing with his colorful feathers seducing him to leave everything behind and start over again but the thing no one ever knew that the problem wasn't the door that got opened it was his heart that is still closed.
Yet the good thing he knows is sooner or later just a matter of time and reason once he decides to escape he will just....fly
all english.....
all the time.
and he will fly
believe me
nice post
I m not gonna tell u that this bird "yestahel yendereb" :P
I said it !
Don't worry
He just felt safe in the cage ..
He's now already outside !
but he needs sometime to get accustomed to it..
That's way he feels Cage-sickness !
not all the time just some time
happy 2 see u here
I do believe
it's just I feel sorry for all that I'm leaving behind coz it was so true to me , so true
thanx mate :)
" Cage Sickness " no my friend I'm Still in the cage and believe me the moment I get out I'll not waste another moment missing what I can't have
Thanx buddy :)
A very strong feeling must had created these passionate words
if the things u r leaving are true to u
why then u have to leave
if they r so - as u think u won't be able to leave them
but if it is a change must
the thing u will be is truly how you are
or at least
what is supposed to be u
just take the first step
and pray for me to take it
"the first on the way of the great struggle"
ALLAH bless u
Yet the good thing he knows is sooner or later just a matter of time and reason once he decides to escape he will just....fly
i hope soooooo
nice post :)
سما الاسلام
it's just sometimes things go against ur will and at the same time u discover it's no more ur choice too
and at this spot all u will be seeking is a way to reach obedience and when u reach there still u gotta be patient because some relapses are always expected
a puzzle i know but i couldn't just say "thank u"
well I'm actually living on what u r hoping
so u better be honest in ur wishes lol
thanks for passing by
hi i wanna express my admiration about ur topic but i wanna tell u something this bird needs real and deep change. i mean change from inside cos if he changes himself (real change),he may be able to change the whole circumstances around him. moshira kamel
First thank u for ur concern
second you do have a good point there that sometimes we need to change the aspect of view for what we think a problem and when we do so we will discover many lessons that were hidden beneath our narrow field of vision
but if we will change for every problem or shock hitting our life stream ,Moshira there will be nothing of who we truly are spared or left and that's something i can't accept coz i do love the way i am and what i believe in
what the bird really needs is to accept that life doesn't give up all what we need sometimes
finally i hope i got what u meant in the right way:)
thanks again
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