Pain..wether that of being beaten till you loose conscience or that of a post operative surgical wound made you kneel in crying or that of acute urine retention with the terrible burning sensation of the catheter forcing through the spastic sphincter or that of feeling outcast by the sins you no more can fight stuck to your core like a nasty summer bug these all or any other pain sucks life out of you and leaves deep marks on your soul sadly time can never erase setting behind a wreck that was once called a human.
And a heartache of many love stories that all died except for one acting like a long rope coiling around my neck and waiting the chance when I treble and fall. Well such a pity when love gets described like that ! , makes me wonder was it really love at all ?!.
One thing for sure though pain never sticks forever at some point the wound heals ,forgiveness gets granted and you again rise up stronger than before with new life lessons but indeed sadder deep inside.
So to you my dear who ever you are I write this..I really need you now I need your sweet words and your beautiful smile and I'm tired of searching for you sweetie but I'll not give up and I'm writing this now so that one day when we are together isa I'll open my browser and show you this message to let you know how difficult my journey to you was so where ever you are please isn't it about time you show yourself up to me and I promise I will not keep you waiting.
هرد بالعربي :) الانجليزي بتاعك بيعقدني ده اولا
اصعب حاجة ال
chronic pain
لانه بتفقد فيه متعة الحياة .. حتى بتفقد تعاطف الناس اللي ممكن يخفف عنك.. بالعكس ممكن تتألم أكتر لانهم بيتفاجأوا بالمك وممكن يوصفوك بالضعف وهما أقل من انهم يقيموا حالتك او يحسوا بيك
معرفش ليه حسيت ان كلامك له صدى جوايا بشكل رهييييييييييب
عموما الحمد لله ان لينا رب رحيم
اكيييد مش هيسبنا نتألم
واتأكد أن الألم ده بعده خير كتيييييييير
مش عايزه اطول عليك بس بجد اتأثرت :)
دمت بخير
فعلا كلامك صحيح و صادر عن تجربة و ستظل حسنة مثل تلك الآلام أنها إما ترفعنا درجات أو تحط عنا خطايا...إن صبرنا و لم نجزع
جزاكم الله خيرا على المرور و المتابعة كنت أحسب المدونة فقدت كل قرائها و لكنى سعيد أنى كنت على خطأ
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