I can claim many lessons in life learned by me getting carved on the heart leaving behind so many painful scars but in the name of experience nothing seems so valuable to me even hard long social conflicts and disputes.
However_ very strangely _ when it comes to my emotional life or intimate personal relations it is like I’m writing on sheets made of water where no words stick for longer than two seconds, it’s always the same scenario and I never learn..Sadly.
I tend to please those I care for I complement them comfort them flirt with them even sometimes I say words describing fake emotions for the sake of the pleasant impact they shade on that person I’m addressing.
“a good word is charity” I believed and always will but as I never wait a pay back from anyone some sincere people in my life hurt me badly when I was left there exposed with my sweet caring words and feelings for them and they just ignored sending me back my share of the loving spirit raising my suspicion in the ongoing lifestyle motto that implies “no one really deserves crossing the distance”.
So I’m giving it a try now, I will never say something I do not really feel and I am not going to expose myself for anyone anymore and I will keep reminding myself all the time “no one really deserves crossing the distance” and see how it works may be tell you later where it leads too..ttyl.
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