Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Writing about "Not Writing"

"I believe that an eye holding envy and hatred within is still harboring a tear of good waiting to be stimulated and poured to wash away the black darkness filling a heart that once used to lighten the agony of a miserable world and...And...And I quit", I throw away the mobile and its stupid predictive T9 dictionary or shut down my PC or let go of my pen, hey! don't get any idea of rage or anger in these peacefully performed actions nope, nada however it's indeed suffocating to have all these ideas and thoughts and you can't get them out, even my first trial to write a novel stopped at 10 pages after character profiling, time line establishing, history connecting to give a sense of credibility and what makes it worse that I'm not annoyed or even trying to get over it.

I once attended a human resources training about how to deal with teenagers and their psychological problems and the lecturer kept a prolonged emphasis over what might assume an explanation of my condition, "motivation vs. behavior" which means how teenagers transform their motivations into behaviors that sometimes tend to be condemned by their community e.g. He smokes "behavior" to fulfill his desire of being responsible and manly "motivation" and so on , so It occurred to me questions like why did I sign up for this blog? , what was my motivation? Which of course appears to be mortal as I'm no more writing already.

So what was my twisted motivation that made me seek this blog hmm may be an overload of emotions that pushed me to it , or a sort of connection I was blocked from running in its natural course , or which I consider the closest to the truth I'm a freelancer and that can't be described as "a twisted" motivation at all but still when your motivation relates to a greater good or a noble cause it lasts longer and in my case there wasn't any.

Anyway I was just thinking loud hoping that some of you can inspire me a different path in writing and it's not like the only thing I do is writing but it still something I miss and at the end by this post "I did write" it's twisted I know :P , but it happens?.

See you


Allison said...

I think I've felt like this too.. I know for a while I just felt like I had people in my life who did care about me and would listen to me, but writing out my issues felt so much better. That's one of the main reasons I ever decided to blog. Maybe once you decide the things that were making you blog to begin with get sorted out, you reach some kind of mental block. hmmm

M.Nassif said...

Exactly!, which brings the question should I be writing that much about myself ? or it's better to write more about ppl , life lessons and experience? or even relate this to a belief or an idea I'm holding within?

And if what made me begin this blog had gone away should I quit it as it's already sorted out?

It sucks when every line ends with an exclamation mark :)

Allison said...

I think if what you're writing about happens to be about you, it can generally be related to a life lesson, belief, etc. And if you feel like you need to stop writing, do it. But I think there is always a need for an extra opinion.

أخـــ مسلمة ـــت said...

I always thought of this blog as being different, or you can say special,sometimes I'm speechless whenever I'm asked to describe.
motivations may differ from one person to another, that's because we ourselves are different from each other, even if we are having the same cause of life,even if we're sharing the same ideas and goals
may be writing in this blog and leaving your load here is the thing that helps you going on your life and exerting more effort for your idea
bu I don't think you've been writing for the sake of writing
you always left a good impression
even if you're writing about yourself
you have an exceptional ability to turn your personal writings into general convictions that are very useful , at least for me
I never read a post here and went out without a cocrete idea
I never forget "on fly" that helped me in one of the most miserable experiences I ever had
you never forgot leaving a message in the most personal posts you wrote,as if something is always pushing you .
I think this thing is the "noblest motivation" ever

it may just need to be renewed
not to be contempted as a "twisted" one

if you're going to stop ,we've to wait for another marvellous e-booklet
but it could happen without a stop
it requires only:
تجديد نية
I think you're going to say:
"what a talkative person!!"

it's okay
but never leave

M.Nassif said...

"motivations may differ from one person to another, that's because we ourselves are different from each other, even if we are having the same cause of life,even if we're sharing the same ideas and goals"

Omg this is so beautiful , you should keep your english blog rolling more please!

you know it always kept bothering me how I believe in the same ideas everyone else in the muslim brotherhood holds within but still I feel a bit different! and sometimes I felt that there is something wrong about me because at certain points it seemed as if there is a contra verse between an apparent behavior I do and a concept of belief I seek to achieve in my life , but your words put it so clear in my mind now to accept the differences between us as a concrete rule of humanity wishing only that our different paths end at the same destination we all seek and be only terrified by

"قُلْ هَلْ نُنَبِّئُكُمْ بالأَخْسَرِينَ أَعْمَالا - الَّذِينَ ضَلَّ سَعْيُهُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا
وَهُمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ يُحْسِنُونَ صُنْعًا" (سورة الكهف)

اللهم لا تجعلنا منهم و اهدنا سبل الرشاد

thanks a lot for your kind words and your young wisdom we can be only grateful to :)
and keep being "talkative" because it's really so beneficial to every one comes by

M.Nassif said...

You are right indeed "there is always a need for an extra opinion."
I never felt this need more like the couple past days !
I know you are short in time so thanks for giving such care
hope you are enjoying thanksgiving discounts :)