Sadness involving me
like a small island surrounded by the sea
no escape is there to seek
no way out to the land of the free
finally I knew the answer I need
finally I found the key of all the locked doors within me
It's not you to be blamed nor the bad luck I forced into the game
it's my weakness that prevails every time I'm close to u my dear
my heart beats that get mad when I see the shadow of ur image crossing my stream
my fears that arise like daemons haunting my determination to get to u
telling me the delusion "what if she restab u?"
"what if she is too hurt to talk to u?"
"Something u should put in ur mind too"
"Something u should put in ur mind too"
but I tell them "deep down I feel she won't do it again"
"kills me twice in cold blood! Hell no"
and the look in her eyes blames me "why u are late?"
So Plz my pretty queen,
my tender daily breeze,
my sanity in the world of insane,
set ur guilt free
put it all there on me
get ride of this sadness on ur face that kills me
and believe...
I forgave u along time ago
at the exact moment u told me no
it's never ur fault to regret its trails
it's my curse , my weakness between ur hands
my frozen time in ur eyes I can't escape
everyday I pray for a peace with my sadness
asking God for a tiny chance of happiness
I pray fate gives u all ur wishes
even if the price requires my ashes
I'd burn with my sorrow
spare the world another morron
goodness the clock is ticking and I fear I lose u
everyday ur dignity bleeds more
killing ur patience u fought for
my weakness I hate u
why chose among all the fears to stand before her
my weakness I hate u
too wonderful to comment
and btw
he who tells u no ,
loses !
too nice to be true :P
thank u
u have been always way too kind :)
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