It's a long story folks but interesting too , telling all the misery of a man's fall , so set back , relax , and listen…
Once upon a time a boy loved a girl and he thought may be she loves him too, so the boy from so far distance kept watching the girl everyday for so many years , praying that one day fate may bring her near , and while suffering the pain of the long waiting he kept with him a small note book and a short little pen and in everyday he writes something for her , sometimes mixed with his tears sometimes floating by his smiles , and at the end of everyday he climbs the biggest and tallest tree in town where he pastes his notes on the leaves of the big tall tree wishing that may be one day she sees them hanging there , and when the tree got filled with his notes the poor boy collected all the small papers and made them into a book holding her name .
Till in a clear skied day , in a moment he was so close to despair , when he started to believe there is no way , a door _the only one he knows and has its key_ got open leading directly to her !! , and for a moment the boy felt afraid to enter the door !! but when he remembered how the girl smiles he forgot all his fears , quickly opened the door and flew to her , preparing a nice speech a lovely word or two when he got close to the girl she thought he was a beggar and said "I'm sorry , No" , the poor boy returned home , put his head in the pillow and let his tears flow , waked up in the next morning thinking "Goodness it's all my fault !!" so he got a shower , put on new clothes and spread some fragrant too , and again the boy sought the magical door , knocked it and this time she herself opened the door , "Who are you ??!! What are you here for ??!!" forgetting every nice word he intended to roll the poor boy's heart got frozen by all this cold , and again to the sad pillow the poor boy returned home.
Drown by his sadness , the boy got drifted to " I don't love her , I don't love her" madness , told himself he lived a delusion , convinced his eyes her beauty was just an illusion , and for along time he lived away from town , unhappy , broken and fighting himself everyday and every night , till at one moment his eyes slipped and he accidentally saw her , and at this point and this point only he knew for sure….his heart is hers.
So the boy thought may be if he returns home , keeps watching her from his room , she feels how special she is to him , how deep her love spell control them , nights passed and slowly he started to feel the hidden sin , his eyes are seeking what doesn't belong to him , and again to unhappy , broken and fighting himself the poor boy returns , so the boy grabbed his old small note book and looked for his short little pen , looked for an empty page and lucky him it was the last page in the small old note book , and again mixed with his tears he writes…
"My princess , it's him , the beggar boy , the strange man and your love mess , tells you he really loves you so much , but he is no more able to pay this love bills , you know what he wants and you know where he is , waiting every night at the big tall tree in midtown , watching his magical door to get open , and he tells you he is sorry he lose all the keys of the other doors people usually use then " well he is a strange boy indeed she knows , anyway mates , the poor boy climbed the big tall tree of the town and whispered to the wind " get this delivered to her " and for the rest of his days he kept his promise , so my friends…if you one day late at night pass by the big tall tree of the town you will find a poor boy there waiting for a magical door to get open.
here we're again
and back to the start point
Have I to quote u everyday to get u reminded?
I really benefitted of ur qoutes
u have to do
Ofcourse a different boy has exceptional ways and magical doors
but magic have nothing to do with ordinary issues
the boy have to act ordinarily or more exactly ,he has to act convitionally
he has to leave the tree bcoz "ordinary people" don't live in trees
he has to experience life just as it is, especially if the girl is one of "them" , u know what I mean
then, no exceptions have to be made
it is only one way
Earnest matters need an earnest boy
and this is
"The Importance of Being Earnest"
u know the play?
Nothing is beyond ALLAH's Will
just pray :)
haven't u noticed?
It's the last page
One more thing..."them"!!
Plz don't judge
I'm sorry for this misunderstanding
by "them" I meant "us", one of us , one of our sisters
that's what I really wanted to say
and the ordinary way I meant is the only legal one
Every word of mine has good intentions, I swear
I can't believe you thoughtI could say that
I'm sorry again
You do not have to apologize :P (where did I read that before)
and off course I know you always speak with good intentions
and for all that matters I owe you an apology for being rude too so we are even I believe :)
thanks for being such a faithful friend to this blog and I'll do my best memorizing ur quotes , but really thanks God u do not see my drafts haha u would have thought me a total freak then :)
peace on you
is this fiction or reality
im so confused
i forgot to tell you its really a great story and you should translate it in arabic and publish it so more ppl can read it
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