I've got some imperfections
but how can you collect them all and throw them in my face?
I actually can't stand that song. It kind of reminds me of myself though. I mean, we as humans are all imperfect. That goes without saying. I've discovered recently, though, that most people don't like to embrace their imperfections. More than that, people don't like to admit with they're wrong. Or own up to their mistakes. Or tell the truth even when they know you've caught them in a lie. Is that human nature? I hate human nature.
Human nature means that people can screw me over time and time again, but because I have a big heart, I'll always let them back in. I'll continue to be unhappy because I know that my unhappiness is making someone else happy. I read a quote today that sent chills up my spine because it applies to my life so much. "Sometimes it's better to forget how you feel, and remember what you deserve." If only I could take some of that excellent advice.
First i've enjoyed every single word of this post and got deeply touched by "i'll continue to be unhappy because i know that my unhappiness is making someone else happy".
secondly Like the Legacy of the candle, burning forever to lighten our dark destinies. Good people with pure hearts like urs are also most of the time paying other people's bills of happiness
but believe me don't u ever worry about it coz with time u will develop the ability to control ur feelings more and more next year u are going to college starting a new phase of ur life where u will have much more experiences about different types of ppl and how to manage through them unharmed by the cruel life lessons
i'm sorry it's that long (probably the longest in the history of comments) but this post really moved something within me.
keep it on top for a while so that no one misses it
thank you alli
i dont think its in human nature to deny that ur wrong.
arrogance isnt like love or hatred
you cant help loving or hating some1 and maybe for no obvoius reason
but when some1 is arrogant he became this and its not in him since his birth
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