I'm not talking about freedom of speech, or of religion, or just the rights that come with living in a "free" country. I'm talking about being free. Having a free spirit.
Several months ago, I found myself in a very serious relationship. Blah blah blah, who care, right? I don't want to whine about men. No one wants to hear it. I don't even want to hear it. But I feel that I need to write this. I was engaged to be married. Everything seemed so perfect. I thought I found my Prince Charming. But of course, life isn't a fairy tale. And now I'm alone, back at square one. My prince is off riding into the sunset, without me.
I spent way too much time crying over the situation. Asking myself what I did wrong, how I could fix it, etc. And then the most amazing thing happened. Yesterday I mailed the ring to his dad. And when the envelope fell into the mailbox, so did all of my heartbreak. I have never felt happier in my life than I did in that moment.
I guess my point is this. Don't dwell on things you can't change. Don't cry over things you have no control over. Don't let your past dictate your future. And when you say that you love someone, make sure you mean it. Live your life. Be free.
Don't dwell on things you can't change. Don't cry over things you have no control over. Don't let your past dictate your future. And when you say that you love someone, make sure you mean it. Live your life. Be free.
u r right
hank u alot >> i need this words in this time
thanks allison .. have agood time and be free
You are growing wise girl "tears" :p :p
I have no more wise words to say coz talking rarely makes a difference without determining actions_Damn i can't help it_lol
you said you will never let someone hurt you that much again_remember to wave with the knife ok_so good luck with nxt time
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